Thursday, September 29, 2011

When quilts have babies

Often, when I'm making a quilt, I make a LOT of blocks and then arrange them to the design and size I like. This usually means left-over blocks to make little baby quilts with.

So when I made this quilt for Ella's next birthday ...

Ella's quilt on the line 

... there were enough blocks left over to make this cute little baby quilt ...

Baby vintage quilt 

(It hasn't been gifted yet so I won't say who it might be for!)

I blogged about this quilt a while ago ...

Values quilt - Front 

But I haven't yet shown you the new baby ...

This one will be sent over to the Bumble Beans Quilt Basics charity organised by the wonderfully talented and generous Victoria.

Quilt Basics provides handmade quilty love to homeless families in the NYC area. It is a wonderful cause and I encourage you to get involved if you can.

I just love making babies  ;-)
Andi xx


  1. Oooh I adore your babies Andi, a fabulous way to get extra quilts, and yours are divine! xo

  2. Gorgeous babies- and you keep your pelvic floor haha. What fabric is Ella's quilt out of? Kind of looks vintage....

  3. Quilt babies are the best!! Sort of like recycling!

  4. Lovely babies! (And at this point in my life -the only babies I would be happy to make!)
    Love them all!

  5. Yum, yum, yum!
    I just want to hug those gorgeous quilt babies.

  6. Babies without the weight gain and cravings! Whohoo!!

  7. Is Mr Patch Andi aware of your babymmaking proclivities?

  8. Baby making! Ha. I love it. I'm totally in love with these. I want more HSTs in my life!

  9. wow - those babies are so sweet! And these are your "left overs"? amazing! x

  10. oh, these are such gorgeous quilts! i love your use of juicy happy colors.

  11. Love your little babies! And pain free :-) Making extra blocks is a great way to get 2 for one.

  12. I love the look of off-centre quilts.. These ones are beautiful, Andi!

  13. So pretty Andi - Ella's quilt is just gorgeous!!

  14. Please tell me you sell the beautiful quilt on pinterest. I am interested in buying it.


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