Sunday, May 1, 2011

Scraps by Denyse!!

I have been looking for a scrappy looking quilt design to use for my "FMF-and-other-DS-fabrics" stash, and I came across this stunning quilt on flickr.

My version will be 6 x 6 blocks, but as I have only made 6 blocks so far, I've used an online mosaic maker to mock up a possible end result.

It will need a bit of tweaking but I think I'm going to LOVE this quilt.
(Ella has already laid claim to it too).

Another scrapalicious quilt!!
Have you heard I'm going to be teaching all about scrappy quilt making? Check it out here!!

Andi xx


yardage girl said...

Love this one too - the detail and colours work!

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Andi it is going to look incredible! I can't wait to see it. Congrats on teaching your classes too, they will be very blessed to have you. xo

Tracey Jacobsen said...

looks amazing! (I'd want to claim it if I could too!). ;)

Unknown said...

I love Megan's original quilt - and I'm gonna love yours too!!!!!

(if I was closer I'd come to your classes, just to have a laugh and hang out! I'd not actually achieve anything by the end of it!)

Marit said...

I would love to attend your class, Andi! It sounds like so much fun. And I LOVE this latest quilt you are working on. Those colors just shine together. ; )

62cherry said...

tagged you here andi

anhaga sae / lisa said...

Love those scrap's going to look fab!

Annie said...


Unknown said...

It is going to be fabulous, I can feel it in my bones!

Paige said...

I had to pop over here from Flickr and comment. This is going to be a great quilt!

Bellgirl said...

Wowza, it's wonderful! And congratulations on your class, lucky students!

One Flew Over said...

WOWZERS! Will be fantastic x

Corrie said...

stunning! saw this on flickr and wow to the number of views! now get cracking and make it! it is stunningly beautiful. I'd reserve it too!


Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...


Anonymous said...

So much loveliness! That first pile is so beautifully presented I would never be able to unfold it.

green tea and red nails said...

gorgeous quilts!

Your vintage sheet FQs should arrive in the next few days. yours was one of the last parcels i sent and i double checked and adjusted your postage so it should definitely be arriving to you soon! let me know if it isnt there by the end of the week :) KEL