Thursday, March 4, 2010

Looking for love

Someone I care about is looking for a new relationship.

Thought I'd make her something to use as a looking-for-love-notebook.



Fabric found here after reading this post.
Andi :-)


  1. Lovely gesture Andi! That fabric is the most hysterical thing I have EVER laid eyes on...classic.

  2. So funny! I would love some of that fabric for a gay friend who sews. I'll email him now!

  3. I love this fabric, going to get me a few metres, I think- pj's would be good!

  4. That's just what I need... a man I can keep in my handbag!

  5. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    I mean...looking for love...that's a serious matter. Great gift!

    But! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

  6. I can't resist Andi, when you reply to me, I have to send you all the information on the Husband store. It might help.

  7. these fabrics crack me up!! i am sure she will appreciate the gift

  8. Ah, the perfect man. Made out of fabric. lol Surely she can find love there!

  9. That is pretty cute! Although, it looks a little like a man catalogue... I'll take the one on the back cover please. :-)

  10. That fabric is hilarious- i saw the post you linked to but it looks even better made into something! I love it!!

  11. Oh yum!! I like the front cover ;)

    Jess xx


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