Sunday, June 7, 2009

Don't look Dan!!!!

In six weeks my beloved and I will be married.
I discovered a wonderful craftswoman via the Ravenhill blog.

I contacted her hoping she would take a commission and make my wedding veil.

I couldn't be more excited. Look what she made!!!!!

More photos here!

Andi :-)


Frogdancer said...

Just gorgeous.

Hearty congratulations. You'll have a fabulous day!

bec said...

ooh, pretty! Will you go the pink or red? I remember you saying your dress will be red. Thanks for the link to ravenhill's blog, it's great too! Another one to get addicted too.....

Janet said...

It's ethereal, gorgeous, congratulations on forthcoming nuptials.

Anonymous said...

Andi, you are so sweet to le me know how happy you were to find Vilte on my blog! I am so pleased that people are discovering Vilte! Her work is simply enchanting! I hope to see photos of you on your wedding day! Have a wonderful time!
~Emily xx

Unknown said...

What a Beautiful colour...Gorgeous Veil...Good Luck with the Planning...

MichelleB said...

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! The veil is absolutely gorgeous! I hope that we'll get to see picture of you in it.

One Flew Over said...

breathtaking! Have a fantastic day. good luck with all the prep.

Debbie said...

It's fabulous!!!

paloma said...

it's beautiful, and for such an special day. Congratulations!!

Louise said...

Oh my, that is just beautiful - what an amazing colour.

amy said...

Your veil is SO BEAUTIFUL, Andi! The color is ravishing and all of the details--stunning! I hope your preparations continue in a wonderful way!

Robyn said...

Beautiful! You will take your sweetheart's breath away. Have a wonderful day.

Jacoline said...

IT is so beautiful!!! My favorite colour. You will be the most beautiful bride ever!!!

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Oh that is a stunning veil. Such intense color, absolutely divine. Hope we get to see some of your wedding pictures!


Kate said...

Wow, so beautiful! There are so many wonderful and easily accessable handcrafted items for weddings now, makes the planning so much fun!

Peta @ Pippiwillow said...

Absolutely gorgeous.
You'll have a wonderful day I'm sure.
Don't forget to stand back with your lover every so often during the day and drink in the sights of your friends and family enjoying your gift of inclusion in something super special.

Vilte said...

I am happy that you like it, Andi! I hope it arrives soon to you and you will love it in real too. And yes, I would love to see the pictures of your wedding day as well! Warmest wishes! Vilte

Cath said...

nevermind my previous question - the veil looks fabulous. And I'm so impressed with how much quilting you churn through - go girl...