Sunday, May 3, 2009





....for my new baby to arrive...... TOMORROW!!!!

She will be a VERY busy member of our household.
What should we name her?

Andi :-)


MichelleB said...

I have that same baby! You will love, LOVE her. Button holes are a dream with her! Mine doesn't have a name. I'm so bad at naming.

Love those quilts!

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

Oh wow, I would love one of those. Can't wait to see what you make on her!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Welocme to your newest family member - what fun you are going to have!!

dream quilt create said...

How about Bernice?

Frogdancer said...

Elizabeth Bennet. Because her creations will live forever... just as Austen's one does.

(I'm going to try to use Mr Darcy today. I haven't touched him since the workshop we did. I'll admit to being very nervous.... I'm a bit scared of him now...)

Ruth B said...

Congratulations on your new arrival! She is adorable. I think a good name would be Berniece. said...

Congrats! From one Bernina lover to another..Enjoy! I know you will!

Anonymous said...

a) I love that book! So many of life's lessons in one little kid's book!

b) The machine looks amazing, I bet you can't wait! Congratulations!

c) My name choice? Waitie Katie!

Danielle said...

hey Andi, you must be sooo excited - how about "Nina" for a name? oh, and love the quilts awaiting quilting!

Lulabell said...

Yeah Andi has a stich regulator! Looking forward to seeing those quilts finished with your FMQ skills.

Julie said...

Oh, tomorrow!! You should have let us know earlier..........we could have had a baby shower. She looks very special.....hope you have a smooth delivery
and the visitors stay away for a few days so you can get to know her. :-)

Kirsty said...

My mum has a Bernina that she's had for as long as I can remember and I've been tossing up as to if I buy a new one or a second hand for my first sewing machine... I just can't decide!

I think you should call her Baby because she definitely should not be put in a corner! said...

Just discovered your lovely blog - so many beautiful creations and fantastic links. Love that Dr Seuss book and the perfect reference in this situation! Here's to the safe arrival of your new baby!

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Are you serious! I want that baby! I am dreaming of this Bernina! Oh my gosh I am so jealous. I have been promised one soon, let me know where you purchased yours! Thanks! Oh my wow! wowie! Lucky you!

Kellie said...

OMG I know someone who will be up later than me tonight!!!! YAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this IS exciting! How lucky you are!

Anonymous said...

What a cute post...I was a little confused at first. Some old fashion name, like Hazel.

Jacoline said...

woh that is so exciting!!
Enjoy every minute and just start sewing

Leanne said...

You will love her. I love mine her name is Bernie. Bernie is soooo good to play with.

Corrie said...

holy smokes! I bet your baby was expensive! I upgraded to a brother but have dreams about a bernina...the older ladies at my quilting group have them and I'm super jealous!

looks fab!

Helen said...

Its now tomorrow!!! How is your baby settling in? Loooove to hear her news! Lucky you!

randi said...

Oh, I am jealous! I love forward to seeing how she works out for you. I need a new one bad!

Paloma said...

Way to go!! You also have a long list of beautiful projects...

Kate said...

Oh yes, you will love that machine!!! It's funny how excited we get when someone else (that we don't even know) is getting a new Bernina. thanks for dropping by my blog, Australia might be a bit of a hike to come for quilt camp. We are looking at honeymooning in Sydney and New Zealand though!

One Flew Over said...

LUCKY LUCKY you to be getting the QE! I call my Bernina ' original!

I love your pink and green square quilt, so pretty!