I don't ever do 'quilt-a-long's. Too much pressure. Never enough time.
But here I am joining in with this.

Also, I don't like blue. Never have.
But when I went in to Amitie today to purchase my fabrics for the quilt along, I ended up with these ....

I walked into the shop and said to myself:
"Whichever is the first fabric to catch my eye will be in the quilt and I will build the selection around that one".
Here was my first choice:

and I simply had to add in all these .....

This will be the binding .....

Looking forward to seeing how it will all turn out .... if I can find the time!!
Andi :-)
Edit: 20/5/09
For those of you wanting to know what all these fabrics are, I say .... "I'm not sure. They just looked pretty in the shop". But the good news is that the shop liked this selection too and is turning them into a kit, so call up (or email) Amitie and ask them for more info.
Oh these are gorgeous fabrics! I can't wait to see how your quilt turns out either! Must make the trip down to Amitie soon! ($$!)
Red Pepper Quilts
Gosh! What lovely fabrics!!!! Nice to see you today. Jenny liked them so much we have decided to kit them up!!
Dude! Red and aqua are one of my favorite combos! Your quilt will be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!!
Those fabrics and colors are wonderful! What is the fabric with the pink background and the white dots with blue centers? I love that!
Love your fabrics and that opening photo is hilarious!
You have to make time. I love to see it. Great colours. have a great day!!!
I'm so looking forward to seeing how it turns out
Any chance you can tell me what all these fabrics are?! I LOVE them all!! I love this color combo!
Lovely choice...I still haven't been to Amite yet.....doesn't look like my budget can handle a visit!!!
Wow stunning combo! Look forward to seeing the quilt
Love the photo! LOL! It is always good to try something new! have fun!
Hey Andi
They are such great fabrics, well done, I love the red fabric, with the white spot and the tiny blue spot!! Great to see you, but I was a bit delirious, so I apologise if I was a bit vague, and I had to rush off to meet a friend
Hope to get to a class when am down in the hols, do you still get to Judy's on Tues night, might see you then?? Ren
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